- SCOPE. Unless there is an agreement in writing by No Trouble otherwise accredited when ordering, all our offers and provided services are exclusively governed by these terms and the client agrees irrevocably to comply to them, by the mere fact of his order.
By this fact the client waves his right to prevail himself upon conflicting documents and particularly his own general or specific conditions of purchase.
No Trouble’s offers are only valid for a period of 30 days.
- Concerning the firms that have an account in our records, the equipment is delivered in exchange for the order. Failing an account, the firm must submit a copy of the firm's Articles of Incorporation and a certificate of registration in the Register of Commerce and the VAT.
- The state of the material is consistent with the purpose for which it was intended, and free of all vices and construction defects. In the occurrence of certain defects or dysfunctions, the client must notify this immediately and by registered letter, as of the reception of the material or within 24 h of the delivery. After the expiry of this term, it is assumed that the material was delivered in good condition.
- If the order is cancelled, it is expressly agreed that the seller reserves the right to claim a lump sum from the buyer, equal to 20% of the amount of the invoice, as compensation for the suffered damage. This amount can be higher than 20% if proven that the prejudice suffered is higher than 20% of the total amount of the invoice. The Customer will bare all risks related to the transportation of bought goods.
- General provisions
- The lease is only established if the client accepts the material. This acceptation however does not free the customer of the obligation to check all the equipment.
- Every lease starts at 9 am. and stops at 9pm. Every piece of the equipment brought in at a later time, will be the object of a complementary invoice.
- The price lists are given, taxes excluded and subject to availability.
- No Trouble takes no responsibility for the results obtained on the client's silver, magnetic or digital films. In any event, the liability will be limited to the free replacement of our services for a period equivalent to that of an eventual operational damage or damage due to a delay of availability of the equipment. These clauses regarding the non-responsibility are mandatory and are the essence of the contract, in so far that Axis-One would not have agreed to enter into this contract at their default.
- Both the client and the user acting on his behalf and under his responsibility, agree to make no changes, opening of the boxes, nor repairs without the prior knowledge of NO Trouble and in the last case, to save the defective parts for expertise.
- PAYMENT. Unless otherwise agreed, the payment is due on the day of the invoice. To be valid, No Trouble must receive each complaint by registered letter within 8 days of the issuance of the invoice.
The non-payment of the amount due on the term of the invoice, leads as of right without prior notice to a conventional and flat penalty interest of 1% per month, each month started being due, without prejudice to a conventional and flat compensation of loss of 20% of the amount due, with a minimum of 50 €, without taking into account the eventual procedure indemnity, the recovery costs, the court cost and the enforcement cost, under sections of the articles 1153 of the Civil Code.
- OFFENSE. Each offense to these general conditions will lead automatically and ex officio to the immediate termination of the right to use in any way all or part of the equipment of Axis-One, that would be in the possession of the client or of a third party by the intervention of the client.
- COMPETENCE.. Every dispute related to this contract will be submitted exclusively to the competence of the Commercial Court of Brussels, the Justice of the Peace of the First Instance Court of Brussels in the French language.
Our stores
No Trouble Genappe
- Address:
- Rue Bruyère d’Elvigne, 6 1470 Genappe Belgique
- Phone:
- +32475415493
Our strengths
20 years experience
Quick delivery
Tailor-made services
Secure payment